Minggu, 16 Maret 2014


first of all i introduce my name rizky Ramdani , I come from Bandung , more precisely staying in Majalaya my hobby playing music and sports , especially futsal that I really enjoy doing . I am a little bit ignorant of its people , especially if clay again his friend who snore often I sprinkle salt into his mouth . : D

a little bit about my experience , especially about education , my elementary education in SDN Sukamanah V , my junior high school SMP Negeri 1 overlying , my high school education at the high school level Pasundan and my Bachelor's at the University Gunadarma . 6 semesters now I want to compile scientific research that has been programmed by university students Gunadarma each semester 6 .

now i live in jakarta , street no 46 kemang objects . I stayed here with my biological sister who was married and had a pet cat tail called cherry . I stayed with my sister long enough from the year 2011 when I went into Gunadarma until today .

I lecture in Gunadarma majored in Accounting , why I majored in accounting ? because I think , majoring in accounting at Gunadarma pretty good , not just good accounting majors , but all majors are also very good at this Gunadarma university . not only in terms of majors course that I admire , but I also strongly feel happy to university Gunadarma .

until now , I feel very happy to study in the university Gunadarma this , because so many experiences that I can here and so are my colleagues who have always supported me in any respect , including outside of the lecture .

when talking about skills , I am pretty good in terms of business and tax calculations . I really like this one subject ( taxation ) , so somehow I talked about pepajakan directly responded very well , especially now that his professor mom Erna again , it become more studying its spirit as well . : D

I make this personal description , because to complete one task soft skill courses , hopefully this assignment is accepted at his professor . amiiinnnnnn

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